The weirdest things though is that CPU and memory usage are actually low and within the boundaries where they were before this started occurring. All in all, things have slowed down in general. I'll assume you did it with an Original Microsoft ISO that didn't include any Factory Bloatware like the Resource Eating McAfee So the next thing to consider would be if you've installed any software that may have contained Malware. The cron jobs take 3 times as much to execute as before, and when I try to connect to the server by SSH, it takes a while for me to connect. Since You've already made a fresh install, even on a new HDD. So how much space is used and free ? Did you defrag after installing the OS and other programs before turning the schedule off ? I was running Win 10 not long ago on a single core Celeron D356 with 512 MB of 400 speed RAM on the original PATA HDD and you wanna talk about slow The lil i3 is no speed demon but shouldn't have any problems, as well as having 8 GB of 1600 RAM and what looks like it should be a decent 5400 RPM HDD "for a laptop".